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Top 5 Most Loved Stationery Products for Stationery Addicts
Thursday, 4 May 2023
Top 5 Most Loved Stationery Products for Stationery Addicts

We'll be highlighting the top 5 most loved stationery products for stationery addicts. These items are not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing, making them a must-have for any stationery enthusiast!

The Benefits of Washi Tape and Other Adhesive Products from Japan
Friday, 7 April 2023
The Benefits of Washi Tape and Other Adhesive Products from Japan

In this post, we'll be exploring the benefits of tape and other adhesive products from Japan, and why every stationery lover should have them in their collection. So sit back, grab a cup of tea (that won't spill thanks to our trusty adhesives), and let's dive into the world of Japanese tape and glue.

Innovative Japanese Stationery
Thursday, 23 February 2023
Innovative Japanese Stationery

We'll take a closer look at some of the most innovative and practical Japanese stationery products available, and why they should be a part of every stationery lover's collection. So, get ready to be inspired and discover some new favourites!
